WOD 9427 – Wednesday
5 Rounds For Time:
7 burpees
225 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
Walking Lunge, 30 steps
– The new Paleo kits and krunch bars have been put out. Please ensure you are using the computer to log into your account and charge it via the zenplanner system. Click here to purchase a snack online before you arrive.
Coaches Challenge
– Did anyone manage to beat Coach Ant? Yep sure did, Congrats to Ali with 47 dips on last nights WOD. Come in to claim your prize from the prize locker.
Paleo Recipes
(Eat Your Veggies Edition)
Country-Style Greens
1 Tbsp lard or rendered bacon fat
1 medium onion, minced
2 cups water
2 bunches (or about 2 pounds) of fresh collard, turnip, or mustard greens
1/4 pound good quality bacon or ham, cut in 1/2 inch pieces, or 1/2 pound
ordinary sliced bacon or ham
Trim away and discard the tough stems of the greens. To loosen grit, place
the leaves and the remaining tender stems (you should have about 2 quarts)
in a large bowl, cover with lukewarm water, and soak for 5 minutes. Rinse
several times in lukewarm water to wash away any remaining sand. Melt lard
in a large heavy nonreactive pot with a lid. Do not use an aluminum pot, if
possible, use one with an enamel coating. Add onions and bacon. Fry
together over medium-high heat, stirring often, until onions wilt and
bacon starts to brown, about 5 minutes. Add greens and the water and bring
to a boil over high heat. Cover, lower heat to medium, and cook until
greens are tender, with just a little crunch, about 20 minutes. Uncover,
raise heat to high, and boil off some of the excess water, about 5 minutes.
Add pepper to taste, and serve hot, it should be slightly soupy. – Serves 6
Live CrossFit
Videos, journals, articles that will help your brain PR
Are Plantains Compatible With Paleo? – Article
The Lunge
How do you lunge? Don’t worry, I won’t judge. Personally I’ve seen every variation in the book. Why is it that we cue our athletes to lunge forward, ensuring our shins are completely vertical and our knees are not tracking to far forward (in front of our toes). Conversely, we avoid a short stride lunge where our knee touches down incredibly close to our opposite heel.
Basically, a shorter stride tends to be more quad-dominant. You’ll notice in a short stride lunge you have an increase in dorsiflexion (the angle between your shin and ankle decreases). A long stride lunge decreases dorsiflexion at the ankle (go ahead and try it, you’ll notice your knee is much further back and the angle between the shin and ankle increases). It also increases the flexion at the knee which allows us to go deeper.
Which is better? Well, it depends on what your intentions are. We prefer our athletes take a nice long stride. This will ensure we are using our posterior chain (glutes and hammies) in the workout.
-Coach Ant
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